FTP Manager in Cloud Hosting
The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each of our Linux cloud hosting, offers a function-loaded FTP Manager that will grant you full control over all FTP accounts in your web hosting account. Setting up or deleting an account requires literally only one click of the mouse and all the accounts that you have at a particular moment will be displayed in alphabetical order, so you can effortlessly locate the one that you want. You will also be able to check what folder an account can connect to and by clicking it, you can change it. If you would like to connect to your web hosting space using an FTP program such as FileZilla or Core FTP, you can download an auto-config file for any of the FTP accounts and run it on your computer – the account in question will be set up without you having to do anything manually on your end. Besides, you can see the full list of all the domains or sub-domains which you are able to use.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you open a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you’ll be able to make use of a number of options that are accessible in the FTP Manager section of our advanced Hepsia Control Panel. You can create a brand new FTP account and specify which folder it will access with just a few clicks through an easy-to-navigate interface. A list of all the accounts that you’ve set up will be available in the exact same section too and, for the sake of convenience, you can arrange them by username or access path in descending or ascending order, so you will be able to swiftly find the account that you want. Modifying the access path for an active account is as easy as clicking on it and selecting the new path, while removing an account or changing its password requires one mouse click too. Using the FTP Manager, you can also download config files for commonly used desktop FTP client apps like CyberDuck and FileZilla.